SmartLock™ Use Case: Minimize The Risk In Your Portfolio

Finance 101
July 7, 2024
3 min read
This is the third installment in our SmartLock™ use case series. To see last week's post on using SmartLock™ to create an insurance hedge, click here.

In the world of investing, balancing risk and reward is paramount. It can be real estate, crypto, your retirement account, etc ... any market investment involves risk. Diversifying your portfolio is a well-known strategy to manage this risk, but there’s another tool that savvy investors can use to add stability: SmartLock™. Here’s why incorporating SmartLock™ as a hedge against your investment risk can be a wise decision for your financial future.

Guaranteed Growth and Stability

SmartLock™ offers a level of stability that is hard to find in other investment vehicles. With this policy, you transfer a one-time sum, and in return, the insurance company guarantees a death benefit and a cash value component that grows over time. This cash growth involves a guaranteed rate of return outside of the market, providing predictability to your portfolio. In an unpredictable market, having a portion of your portfolio that you know will grow steadily can provide significant peace of mind.

Protection Against Market Volatility

Market volatility is a constant concern for investors. Stock prices can swing wildly based on economic news, geopolitical events, and other factors beyond your control. SmartLock™ shields a portion of your wealth from these fluctuations. The cash value of the policy is not tied to the stock market, meaning it won’t be affected by market downturns. This can serve as a financial anchor, giving you the security of knowing that a part of your portfolio is protected from market risks.

Liquidity and Flexibility

One of the benefits of SmartLock™ is the ability to access the cash value component. You can borrow against it or even make withdrawals if necessary. This liquidity provides financial flexibility, allowing you to take advantage of investment opportunities or cover unexpected expenses without having to sell off other assets at an inopportune time. The policy’s cash value can act as a financial cushion, providing ready funds when you need them most.

Tax Advantages

Tax efficiency is another compelling reason to consider SmartLock™ as part of your investment strategy. The cash value of the policy grows tax-deferred, meaning you won’t pay taxes on the gains as they accumulate. Additionally, the death benefit paid to your beneficiaries is generally income tax-free. These tax advantages can help you preserve more of your wealth and enhance the overall efficiency of your portfolio.

Legacy Planning

Incorporating SmartLock™ into your financial plan also supports legacy planning. The guaranteed death benefit ensures that your loved ones will receive a financial payout upon death, providing them with security and peace of mind. This can be particularly important if your investments are primarily in volatile assets, as it ensures that your family will have financial support regardless of market conditions.

Diversification and Risk Management

Using SmartLock™ as a hedge diversifies your portfolio and helps manage risk. It provides a counterbalance to higher-risk investments like stocks and many retirement accounts, offering a stable and secure component that can offset potential losses. This balance can improve the overall resilience of your portfolio, helping you weather financial storms and achieve long-term growth.

SmartLock™ is more than just a protective measure for your beneficiaries—it’s a strategic tool for your investment portfolio. By offering guaranteed growth, protection against market volatility, liquidity, tax advantages, and support for legacy planning, it serves as a robust hedge against the risks inherent in other investments. Incorporating SmartLock™ into your financial strategy can enhance the stability and security of your portfolio, ensuring that you’re well prepared for whatever the future holds.